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-mod-bonus-big.flag Increase additional big fish chance up to 65% regardless of your equipment"s configuration. With perfect casting, you get up to 80% in total. Why 80%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
- mod-bonus-rare.flag Increase additional rarity chance up to 27% regardless of your equipment"s configuration. Why 27%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
- mod-bonus-gold.flag Increase additional gold bonus up to 75% regardless of your equipment"s configuration. Why 75%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
- mod-bonus-exp.flag Increase additional exp bonus up to 75% regardless of your equipment"s configuration. Why 75%? Because it is the highest possible accepted value by the server. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
- mod-bonus-stun.flag Increase power gauge bonus up to 50% regardless of your equipment"s configuration. Activating this may NOT detected by the game server.
- mod-bonuses.flag Activating all switches described above with only one switch.
- mod-break-low.flag Allow fishing Line to break at low tension.
- mod-break-high.flag Allow fishing line to break at high tension.
- mod-break-over.flag Allow fishing line to break when reaching the line"s length.
- mod-wild-2x.flag Catch the wild fish with only 2 attempts. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
- mod-wild-3x.flag Catch the wild fish with only 3 attempts. If the above switch also defined, this switch will takes effect. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
- mod-wild-rand35.flag Catch the wild fish with 3-5 attempts randomly. If the above switches also defined, this switch will takes effect. Please note, activating this may detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
- mod-wild-rand68.flag Catch the wild fish with 6-8 attempts randomly. If the above switches also defined, this switch will takes effect. Please note, activating this MAY OR MAY NOT detected by the game server as illegal cheating attempt.
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