(31.33 KB, 下載次數: 21)
- Every enemy can drop everything by same chance now.
- 現在所有敵人都可能掉落任意物品,每個物品掉落率一樣
- All dd2 mods source in github.
- Note / 注意事項
- 1. Drop number and air-drop-chance won't change
- For example,goblins will still drop one item or air.And strong enemies still drop more than one item.
- Task items ,fake items,seeker's token,etc could all possibly drop.
- 掉落次數和掉落空氣的機率並不改變
- 例如地精仍然會掉落1個道具或空氣,高級敵人還是會掉落多個道具。
- 任務物品/贋品/探求心之證等也可能掉落。
- Full Drop List:
- 完整掉落列表:
- Spoiler: Show
- 2.All effects disappear after uninstalling this mod.
- 解除安裝該mod後所有效果消失
- 3.This mod overrides `enemydefaultitemdropdata.user.2`/`enemyitemdropdata.user.2`.Therefore conflicts with any mod which also modify these files. Therefore not compatitable with a new game version where these files are updated
- 該mod覆蓋了原本的`enemydefaultitemdropdata.user.2`/`enemyitemdropdata.user.2`, 因此和任何修改這些檔案的mod都衝突。如果遊戲更新時修改了這些內容那麼該mod將不會相容新版本遊戲
- 4.
- There are two version for this mod:
- The first contains all items (in this game version) except `Heartfelt Pendant`.
- The second contains all items including `Heartfelt Pendant`.
- If you want enemy to drop a `Heartfelt Pendant` , you need to install that DLC and install the second version of this mod.
- (`Heartfelt Pendant` is special because it doesn't exist in vanilla game. Other dlc items can drop like normal items without requiring anything.)
- 該mod包含兩個版本:
- 第一個可以掉落當前版本的所有物品,除了寵愛吊墜
- 第二個可以掉落當前版本所有物品,包括寵愛吊墜
- 如果你想要讓敵人掉落寵愛吊墜,需要已安裝對應DLC並使用該mod的第二個版本。
- (只有寵愛吊墜是特殊的,因為它在原版遊戲中不存在,其它DLC贈送的物品和普通物品一樣可以正常掉落)
- Known Conflicts:
- 已知的衝突:
- Enemy Drop Ferrystone
- How to Install /安裝:
- A) Install by mod manager
- 1. Install Latest Fluffy Mod Manager
- 2. Download this mod. Drag zip/7z/rar file to Fluffy Mod Manager.
- 3. Turn it on in mod manager.
- B) Install Manually
- 1. Download this mod and extract.
- 2. rename the `[ModName].pak` file to `re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak` and copy it to the game folder(like `...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dragons Dogma 2\`)
- (If `re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak` already exists, use `re_chunk_000.pak.patch_002.pak` instead. If `re_chunk_000.pak.patch_002.pak` exists too, use `re_chunk_000.pak.patch_003.pak`. If...)
- A) 通過Mod管理器安裝
- 1. 安裝Fluffy Mod管理器
- 2.下載該mod,將壓縮包拖進mod管理器
- 3.在mod管理器中開啟該mod
- B)手動安裝
- 1.下載該mod並解壓
- 2.將[mod名].pak檔案重新命名為`re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak`並複製到遊戲目錄
- 如果`re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak`已經被佔用,則把001改成002,如果002也被佔用則改成003,依此類推
複製代碼 MOD裡面有詳細的道具簡介,或者在表的第二分頁尋找
更新:24/04/01 本次編輯新增了不同職業能裝備的衣服,具體在最下面。另外,因為遊戲剛出,最佳化差不穩定,說不定某個時刻因為修改的內容壞檔,修改前請自己衡量利弊(PS:今天測試編輯的時候不知道是不是保存到了測試道具還是其他原因,進遊戲後10分鐘左右無限報錯,原始存檔又不小心刪了,導致花了無數時間捏的臉要重新捏,痛!!望周知)
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